Monday, November 30, 2015

Der Name Jan Malkus steht für akribische und professionelle Arbeit

Jan Malkus ist mittlerweile in der Geschäftswelt eine wichtige Person. Seine Tagesabläufe sind

geprägt von vielen Meetings und wichtigen Entscheidungen, die er treffen muss. Durch diese

tägliche Dynamik hat er keine festen Arbeitszeiten oder einen festen Arbeitsplatz. Mal sind es

Meetings bis in den frühen Morgen, mal ein Meeting im Ausland, welches schon im Restaurant am

Zielflughafen stattfinden muss um so Zeit zu gewinnen. Durch die moderne Technik ist es aber auch

möglich Konferenzen online „gemütlich“ von einem anderen Ort aus zu tätigen. Ein optimiertes

Cloudingsystem ermöglicht es die ganzen Statistiken und Dateien über das Internet zu

synchronisieren und zu bearbeiten, dennoch ist Herr Jan Malkus durch sein Engagement nicht nur

national sondern auch international vertreten und schafft trotzdem mit bravour alle Aufgaben zu


Zum Glück muss man dann schon sagen gibt es parallel zur Businesswelt auch eine Privatwelt.

Durch die ganzen geschäftlichen Aktivitäten kann ganz schnell das persönliche Leben in

Vergessenheit geraten. Nicht bei Herr Malkus! Im Umgang mit seiner Familie und Freunden ist er

wie eine ganz andere Person. Nichts von dem Alltagsstress merkt man ihm privat an. Ein ganz

lockeres und ruhiges Verhalten sind seine Merkmale in solchen Situationen. Seine professionelle

Art zeigt einmal mehr wie er das Berufliche vom Privaten trennen kann um so ein glückliches

Leben zu haben.

Jan Malkus findet auf diese Art und Weise einen perfekten Ausgleich um einfach die Zeit zu nutzen

um positive Energien zu sammeln, welche er wiederum im Business zum Erfolg umsetzt.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

How to choose a study abroad program - A Detailed Guide by Joseph Chinnock

Are you thinking about studying abroad?  You've probably imagined how exciting it would be to meet new people and do interesting things in a foreign country.  But there are so many things you'll need to do before you ever get on an airplane.  Its not easy, but if you plan carefully and stay organized, you can do it!  Here Joseph Chinnock Shares with you some great tips on how to choose a study abroad program.

The best advice is to begin as early as possible.  You want to have plenty of time to find out about study abroad programs, and to think about which ones will be right for you.  Peterson's Guide is a very good source of information on programs, and general descriptions can be accessed at Peterson's online.  

Deciding what your goals are will help you choose from among the many different schools that offer study abroad programs.  Why do you want to go abroad?  Are you hoping to have an experience that will benefit you as you begin a career?  Or are you most interested in personal enjoyment and learning about another culture?  It's also important to think about whether you want to stay for all or only part of an academic year, and about the level of language proficiency that you have.  You may be required to take exams such as the TOEFL when you apply for admission to a program.  For information on exams required by American schools, see the ETS web site.  And of course you have to understand the costs of any program and what you can afford to pay.  Getting all of the information you need to make a decision and applying to a program could take several months, so don't wait to get started! 

When you've been accepted into a program you'll need to make sure you have the proper documents for traveling.  Necessary documents include a passport for entering the host country, and a visa to allow you permission to stay there during the school year.  These may take four to six weeks, maybe even longer, to get.  Apply for these items well in advance in case there are any delays in government processing.  The U.S. government has an excellent site that lists foreign entry requirements for Americans going abroad and student visa information for students coming to the United States.  Check with the international student office of the college you'll be going to, or the sponsoring exchange agency, to find out about any other documents you'll need to have, such as birth certificates, medical records and proof of immunizations.  Any documents that you must have may need to be translated into the language of your host country, so make sure you allow time to have that done also. 

It's a good idea to get an International Student ID card, because it is acceptable as proof all around the world that you are a student, and you can often use it to get travel discounts and reduced admission at attractions like museums and theaters.

Be sure to print out a copy of our checklist that covers all of the typical things that must be done to prepare to study abroad, and suggests how far in advance you should do them.  Also, visit our "Essential Links" to find additional online resources.  We continually comb the web and review relevent sites that would be useful for you.  Finally, there are many good books and guides that you can get information from - check out our recommendations on the Bookshelf.  Good luck!